G-Rollz | 4x Hanf-Wraps mit Honiggeschmack (15er-Display, 60 Blunts)
Farbe: Gelb
Size:King size
Fire:Grollz Dunkees
Each pack contains 4 premium hemp wraps with 15 packs in the display.
These G-Rollz wraps are made from high quality, organically grown Spanish hemp that offers exceptional tear resistance and moisture retention. This makes filling the wraps a smooth experience without any rips or tears.

Taste: honey

The authenticity of each pack can be checked individually using a QR code scan.

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G-Rollz | 4x Hanf-Wraps mit Honiggeschmack (15er-Display, 60 Blunts)

  • Ansichten: 1841
  • Artikelnr. 38842
  • Verfügbarkeit Lagernd