Plagron Light -Mix 50 Liter


Plagron Lightmix with Perliet is seeded with the very best and very carefully selected seeds. Door to produce various types of vegetables and pearls in a bright light at the highest level is accessible to all of the Plagron water quality experts. A light mix is ​​just a minimal amount of light to achieve. The light mix is ​​made from the best version of the product and is completely ready for use.

Lightmix delivers the highest opbrengst in combination with Plagron Terra Grow, Terra Bloom and the addition of Plagron.

Toe passing

It is easy to know how to measure it yourself.


One week before a quick start;

Completely according to your own considerations;

Fast wording door location EC-waarde;

This Lightmix version is made with perliet.

Seed positioning

Witveen, Zwartveen, vezelturf, perliet.


Plagron Lightmix is ​​a substrate for direct use on the plants and potting of flowering plants. Start with advice in the first week.


Zak of 25 liters Zak of 50 liters

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Plagron Light -Mix 50 Liter

  • Ansichten: 635
  • Artikelnr. 130001
  • Verfügbarkeit Lagernd